Title: 러빙유 / Leobing Yu
Episodes: 12
Broadcasted by: KBS
Broadcast period: 2002
Cast & Credits
Park Yong Ha as Lee Hyuk
Eugene as Jin Da Rae
Lee Yu Ri as Cho Su Kyong
Lee Dong Wook as Lee Min
Director : Lee Geon Jun
Writer : Kim Jong Hyeon & Shin Hye Jin
Jin Da Rae (Eugene) is the daughter of a female diver in Cheju Island. After her father mysteriously passes away she tries to uncover the truth about his death. One day she coincidentally saves Hyuk (Park Yong Ha) from torrent waters. Hyuk works for an orange farm opposed to his father’s wish that Hyuk should take over his resort development business. Da Rae and Hyuk gradually fall in love. However, their love is put to a risky test after Hyuk’s half-brother (Lee Dong Wook) also discovers his love for Da Rae. While all 3 of them get entangled in a complicated love triangle, Da Rae finds out that Hyuk is connected to her father’s death.
سلام مریم جان مرسی از اینکه وقت گذاشتیو بلاگ منو دیدی.
امیدوارم خوشت اومده باشه و باز هم از بلاگ من دیدن کنیو برام نظر بذاری.
من بلاگتو دیدم بلاگ جالبی داری . میخواستم بدونم که چرا در باره کره انقدر مطلب گذاشتی مگه خودت کره زندگی میکنی؟
موفق باشی
yaboseo.az inke az webloge man didan kardid mamnunam dooste aziz.bebakhshid age dir be webloge ghashangetun sar zadam rastesh yekam dargire darsam.man korea zendegi nemikonam hamin irane azize khodemunam.ama korea ro khili doost daram hamchenin mardomeshuno.
بازم سلام
من آدرس بلاگت رو تو جعبه لینک بلاگم گذاشتم
اگه دوست داری تو هم همین کار رو انجام بده
سری به بلاگ من بزن
نظرتو برام بذار
موفق باشی
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